Saturday, April 4, 2009

Fallen from Grace

He has fallen from grace. All the wonderful things I thought about him have now been harshly removed from my mind to be replaced by a bitterness and a sadness that rivals none.

How could he have been so insensitive? What possesses someone to show a complete lack of consideration for other people’s feelings? Was his sole motivation a need to see me cry? Was this some long ago planned vengeance that he just now has the opportunity to unleash?

I am hurt beyond words…..

And I am convinced that there is some wicked higher power that prevents me from moving on. How much longer must I live with this barren unhappiness, loving so much and yet unable to love who is most important? This sickness, because it is a sickness, has plagued me for far too long. I need to move on.

So I pray for strength. Like so many times before, I kneel before the All Mighty begging to be spared from my dilemma.

I hope he hears me.

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1 comment:

Sheer Almshouse said...

Lawd mi chile. Him no worth you tears... but if yuh feel like holla...holla...and let it out.

But not fi him... fi you.

You will be fine.

Him just not that worth it.